get_small_tiles identifies partitions (tiles) that are too small according to some defined criterion / criteria (minimum number of samples in tile and/or minimum fraction of entire dataset).

get_small_tiles(tile, min_n = NULL, min_frac = 0, ignore = c())



factor: tile/partition names for all samples; names must be coercible to class tilename, i.e. of the form 'X4:Y2' etc.


integer (optional): minimum number of samples per partition_


numeric >0, <1: minimum relative size of partition as percentage of sample.


character vector: names of tiles to be ignored, i.e. to be retained even if the inclusion criteria are not met.


character vector: names of tiles that are considered 'small' according to these criteria


# Muenchow et al. (2012), see ?ecuador
# Rectangular partitioning without removal of small tiles:
parti <- partition_tiles(ecuador, nsplit = c(10, 10), reassign = FALSE)
#> $`1`
#>        n.train n.test
#> X10:Y2     685     11
#> X10:Y3     688      8
#> X10:Y4     685     11
#> X1:Y7      688      8
#> X1:Y8      678     18
#> X2:Y4      683     13
#> X2:Y5      690      6
#> X2:Y6      689      7
#> X2:Y7      670     26
#> X2:Y8      674     22
#> X2:Y9      691      5
#> X3:Y10     689      7
#> X3:Y5      675     21
#> X3:Y6      687      9
#> X3:Y8      691      5
#> X3:Y9      676     20
#> X4:Y10     690      6
#> X4:Y4      686     10
#> X4:Y5      685     11
#> X4:Y6      687      9
#> X4:Y7      684     12
#> X4:Y8      690      6
#> X4:Y9      683     13
#> X5:Y10     687      9
#> X5:Y2      689      7
#> X5:Y3      684     12
#> X5:Y4      676     20
#> X5:Y5      691      5
#> X5:Y6      686     10
#> X5:Y7      690      6
#> X5:Y9      689      7
#> X6:Y1      691      5
#> X6:Y2      689      7
#> X6:Y3      685     11
#> X6:Y4      691      5
#> X6:Y5      681     15
#> X6:Y7      689      7
#> X6:Y8      685     11
#> X6:Y9      691      5
#> X7:Y1      687      9
#> X7:Y10     676     20
#> X7:Y2      686     10
#> X7:Y3      688      8
#> X7:Y4      682     14
#> X7:Y5      688      8
#> X7:Y6      687      9
#> X7:Y7      685     11
#> X7:Y8      685     11
#> X7:Y9      687      9
#> X8:Y1      669     27
#> X8:Y2      683     13
#> X8:Y3      684     12
#> X8:Y4      689      7
#> X8:Y5      673     23
#> X8:Y6      685     11
#> X8:Y7      684     12
#> X9:Y1      687      9
#> X9:Y2      690      6
#> X9:Y3      686     10
#> X9:Y4      678     18
#> X9:Y6      685     11
#> X9:Y7      691      5
#> X9:Y8      686     10
#> X9:Y9      689      7
#> [1] 64
# Same in factor format for the application of get_small_tiles:
parti_fac <- partition_tiles(ecuador,
  nsplit = c(10, 10), reassign = FALSE,
  return_factor = TRUE
get_small_tiles(parti_fac[[1]], min_n = 20) # tiles with less than 20 samples
#>  [1] X2:Y9  X3:Y8  X5:Y5  X6:Y1  X6:Y4  X6:Y9  X9:Y7  X2:Y5  X4:Y10 X4:Y8 
#> [11] X5:Y7  X9:Y2  X2:Y6  X3:Y10 X5:Y2  X5:Y9  X6:Y2  X6:Y7  X8:Y4  X9:Y9 
#> [21] X10:Y3 X1:Y7  X7:Y3  X7:Y5  X3:Y6  X4:Y6  X5:Y10 X7:Y1  X7:Y6  X7:Y9 
#> [31] X9:Y1  X4:Y4  X5:Y6  X7:Y2  X9:Y3  X9:Y8  X10:Y2 X10:Y4 X4:Y5  X6:Y3 
#> [41] X6:Y8  X7:Y7  X7:Y8  X8:Y6  X9:Y6  X4:Y7  X5:Y3  X8:Y3  X8:Y7  X2:Y4 
#> [51] X4:Y9  X8:Y2  X7:Y4  X6:Y5  X1:Y8  X9:Y4 
#> 64 Levels: X10:Y2 X10:Y3 X10:Y4 X1:Y7 X1:Y8 X2:Y4 X2:Y5 X2:Y6 X2:Y7 ... X9:Y9
parti2 <- partition_tiles(ecuador,
  nsplit = c(10, 10), reassign = TRUE,
  min_n = 20, min_frac = 0
length(parti2[[1]]) # < length(parti[[1]])
#> [1] 31